import os import re from string import * import sys import subprocess import datetime from collections import defaultdict #SET OF UTILITY FUNCTIONS FOR #================================================================== #==========================I/O FUNCTIONS=========================== #================================================================== #unParseTable 4/14/08 #takes in a table generated by parseTable and writes it to an output file #takes as parameters (table, output, sep), where sep is how the file is delimited #example call unParseTable(table, 'table.txt', '\t') for a tab del file def unParseTable(table, output, sep): fh_out = open(output,'w') if len(sep) == 0: for i in table: fh_out.write(str(i)) fh_out.write('\n') else: for line in table: line = [str(x) for x in line] line = join(line,sep) fh_out.write(line) fh_out.write('\n') fh_out.close() #parseTable 4/14/08 #takes in a table where columns are separated by a given symbol and outputs #a nested list such that list[row][col] #example call: #table = parseTable('file.txt','\t') def parseTable(fn, sep, header = False,excel = False): fh = open(fn) if header == True: header = fh.readline() #disposes of the header table = [] for line in fh: line = line.rstrip().split(sep) table.append(line) fh.close() return table def formatBed(bed,output=''): ''' formats a bed file from UCSC or MACS into a WUSTL gateway compatible bed ''' newBed = [] if type(bed) == str: bed = parseTable(bed,'\t') indexTicker = 1 for line in bed: newLine = line[0:4] try: strand = line[5] except IndexError: strand = '.' newLine+= [indexTicker,strand] indexTicker +=1 newBed.append(newLine) if len(output) > 0: unParseTable(newBed,output,'\t') else: return newBed def bedToGFF(bed,output=''): ''' turns a bed into a gff file ''' if type(bed) == str: bed = parseTable(bed,'\t') bed = formatBed(bed) gff = [] for line in bed: gffLine = [line[0],line[3],'',line[1],line[2],line[4],line[5],'',line[3]] gff.append(gffLine) if len(output) > 0: unParseTable(gff,output,'\t') else: return gff def gffToBed(gff,output= ''): ''' turns a gff to a bed file ''' bed = [] indexTicker = 1 for line in gff: newLine = [line[0],line[3],line[4],line[1],indexTicker,line[6]] indexTicker+=1 bed.append(newLine) if len(output) == 0: return bed else: unParseTable(bed,output,'\t') def formatFolder(folderName,create=False): ''' makes sure a folder exists and if not makes it returns a bool for folder ''' if folderName[-1] != '/': folderName +='/' try: foo = os.listdir(folderName) return folderName except OSError: print('folder %s does not exist' % (folderName)) if create: os.system('mkdir %s' % (folderName)) return folderName else: return False #================================================================== #===================ANNOTATION FUNCTIONS=========================== #================================================================== def makeStartDict(annotFile,geneList = []): ''' makes a dictionary keyed by refseq ID that contains information about chrom/start/stop/strand/common name ''' if type(geneList) == str: geneList = parseTable(geneList,'\t') geneList = [line[0] for line in geneList] if upper(annotFile).count('REFSEQ') == 1: refseqTable,refseqDict = importRefseq(annotFile) if len(geneList) == 0: geneList = refseqDict.keys() startDict = {} for gene in geneList: if refseqDict.has_key(gene) == False: continue startDict[gene]={} startDict[gene]['sense'] = refseqTable[refseqDict[gene][0]][3] startDict[gene]['chr'] = refseqTable[refseqDict[gene][0]][2] startDict[gene]['start'] = getTSSs([gene],refseqTable,refseqDict) if startDict[gene]['sense'] == '+': startDict[gene]['end'] =[int(refseqTable[refseqDict[gene][0]][5])] else: startDict[gene]['end'] = [int(refseqTable[refseqDict[gene][0]][4])] startDict[gene]['name'] = refseqTable[refseqDict[gene][0]][12] return startDict #generic function to get the TSS of any gene def getTSSs(geneList,refseqTable,refseqDict): #refseqTable,refseqDict = importRefseq(refseqFile) if len(geneList) == 0: refseq = refseqTable else: refseq = refseqFromKey(geneList,refseqDict,refseqTable) TSS = [] for line in refseq: if line[3] == '+': TSS.append(line[4]) if line[3] == '-': TSS.append(line[5]) TSS = map(int,TSS) return TSS #12/29/08 #refseqFromKey(refseqKeyList,refseqDict,refseqTable) #function that grabs refseq lines from refseq IDs def refseqFromKey(refseqKeyList,refseqDict,refseqTable): typeRefseq = [] for name in refseqKeyList: if refseqDict.has_key(name): typeRefseq.append(refseqTable[refseqDict[name][0]]) return typeRefseq #10/13/08 #importRefseq #takes in a refseq table and makes a refseq table and a refseq dictionary for keying the table def importRefseq(refseqFile, returnMultiples = False): ''' opens up a refseq file downloaded by UCSC ''' refseqTable = parseTable(refseqFile,'\t') refseqDict = {} ticker = 1 for line in refseqTable[1:]: if refseqDict.has_key(line[1]): refseqDict[line[1]].append(ticker) else: refseqDict[line[1]] = [ticker] ticker = ticker + 1 multiples = [] for i in refseqDict: if len(refseqDict[i]) > 1: multiples.append(i) if returnMultiples == True: return refseqTable,refseqDict,multiples else: return refseqTable,refseqDict #================================================================== #========================LOCUS INSTANCE============================ #================================================================== #Locus and LocusCollection instances courtesy of Graham Ruby class Locus: # this may save some space by reducing the number of chromosome strings # that are associated with Locus instances (see __init__). __chrDict = dict() __senseDict = {'+':'+', '-':'-', '.':'.'} # chr = chromosome name (string) # sense = '+' or '-' (or '.' for an ambidexterous locus) # start,end = ints of the start and end coords of the locus; # end coord is the coord of the last nucleotide. def __init__(self,chr,start,end,sense,ID=''): coords = [int(start),int(end)] coords.sort() # this method for assigning chromosome should help avoid storage of # redundant strings. if not(self.__chrDict.has_key(chr)): self.__chrDict[chr] = chr self._chr = self.__chrDict[chr] self._sense = self.__senseDict[sense] self._start = int(coords[0]) self._end = int(coords[1]) self._ID = ID def ID(self): return self._ID def chr(self): return self._chr def start(self): return self._start ## returns the smallest coordinate def end(self): return self._end ## returns the biggest coordinate def len(self): return self._end - self._start + 1 def getAntisenseLocus(self): if self._sense=='.': return self else: switch = {'+':'-', '-':'+'} return Locus(self._chr,self._start,self._end,switch[self._sense]) def coords(self): return [self._start,self._end] ## returns a sorted list of the coordinates def sense(self): return self._sense # returns boolean; True if two loci share any coordinates in common def overlaps(self,otherLocus): if self.chr()!=otherLocus.chr(): return False elif not(self._sense=='.' or \ otherLocus.sense()=='.' or \ self.sense()==otherLocus.sense()): return False elif self.start() > otherLocus.end() or otherLocus.start() > self.end(): return False else: return True # returns boolean; True if all the nucleotides of the given locus overlap # with the self locus def contains(self,otherLocus): if self.chr()!=otherLocus.chr(): return False elif not(self._sense=='.' or \ otherLocus.sense()=='.' or \ self.sense()==otherLocus.sense()): return False elif self.start() > otherLocus.start() or otherLocus.end() > self.end(): return False else: return True # same as overlaps, but considers the opposite strand def overlapsAntisense(self,otherLocus): return self.getAntisenseLocus().overlaps(otherLocus) # same as contains, but considers the opposite strand def containsAntisense(self,otherLocus): return self.getAntisenseLocus().contains(otherLocus) def __hash__(self): return self._start + self._end def __eq__(self,other): if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False if self.chr()!=other.chr(): return False if self.start()!=other.start(): return False if self.end()!=other.end(): return False if self.sense()!=other.sense(): return False return True def __ne__(self,other): return not(self.__eq__(other)) def __str__(self): return self.chr()+'('+self.sense()+'):'+'-'.join(map(str,self.coords())) def checkRep(self): pass class LocusCollection: def __init__(self,loci,windowSize): ### top-level keys are chr, then strand, no space self.__chrToCoordToLoci = dict() self.__loci = dict() self.__winSize = windowSize for lcs in loci: self.__addLocus(lcs) def __addLocus(self,lcs): if not(self.__loci.has_key(lcs)): self.__loci[lcs] = None if lcs.sense()=='.': chrKeyList = [lcs.chr()+'+', lcs.chr()+'-'] else: chrKeyList = [lcs.chr()+lcs.sense()] for chrKey in chrKeyList: if not(self.__chrToCoordToLoci.has_key(chrKey)): self.__chrToCoordToLoci[chrKey] = dict() for n in self.__getKeyRange(lcs): if not(self.__chrToCoordToLoci[chrKey].has_key(n)): self.__chrToCoordToLoci[chrKey][n] = [] self.__chrToCoordToLoci[chrKey][n].append(lcs) def __getKeyRange(self,locus): # convert real loci start and end to a scaled coordinate start = locus.start() / self.__winSize end = locus.end() / self.__winSize + 1 ## add 1 because of the range return range(start,end) def __len__(self): return len(self.__loci) def append(self,new): self.__addLocus(new) def extend(self,newList): for lcs in newList: self.__addLocus(lcs) def hasLocus(self,locus): return self.__loci.has_key(locus) def remove(self,old): if not(self.__loci.has_key(old)): raise ValueError("requested locus isn't in collection") del self.__loci[old] if old.sense()=='.': senseList = ['+','-'] else: senseList = [old.sense()] for k in self.__getKeyRange(old): for sense in senseList: self.__chrToCoordToLoci[old.chr()+sense][k].remove(old) def getWindowSize(self): return self.__winSize def getLoci(self): return self.__loci.keys() def getChrList(self): # i need to remove the strand info from the chromosome keys and make # them non-redundant. tempKeys = dict() for k in self.__chrToCoordToLoci.keys(): tempKeys[k[:-1]] = None return tempKeys.keys() def __subsetHelper(self,locus,sense): sense = sense.lower() if ['sense','antisense','both'].count(sense)!=1: raise ValueError("sense command invalid: '"+sense+"'.") matches = dict() senses = ['+','-'] if locus.sense()=='.' or sense=='both': lamb = lambda s: True elif sense=='sense': lamb = lambda s: s==locus.sense() elif sense=='antisense': lamb = lambda s: s!=locus.sense() else: raise ValueError("sense value was inappropriate: '"+sense+"'.") for s in filter(lamb, senses): chrKey = locus.chr()+s if self.__chrToCoordToLoci.has_key(chrKey): temparr = self.__getKeyRange(locus) #print ('min, max =',temparr[0],temparr[-1]) for n in self.__getKeyRange(locus): if self.__chrToCoordToLoci[chrKey].has_key(n): for lcs in self.__chrToCoordToLoci[chrKey][n]: matches[lcs] = None return matches.keys() # sense can be 'sense' (default), 'antisense', or 'both' # returns all members of the collection that overlap the locus def getOverlap(self,locus,sense='sense'): matches = self.__subsetHelper(locus,sense) ### now, get rid of the ones that don't really overlap realMatches = dict() if sense=='sense' or sense=='both': for i in filter(lambda lcs: lcs.overlaps(locus), matches): realMatches[i] = None if sense=='antisense' or sense=='both': for i in filter(lambda lcs: lcs.overlapsAntisense(locus), matches): realMatches[i] = None return realMatches.keys() # sense can be 'sense' (default), 'antisense', or 'both' # returns all members of the collection that are contained by the locus def getContained(self,locus,sense='sense'): matches = self.__subsetHelper(locus,sense) ### now, get rid of the ones that don't really overlap realMatches = dict() if sense=='sense' or sense=='both': for i in filter(lambda lcs: locus.contains(lcs), matches): realMatches[i] = None if sense=='antisense' or sense=='both': for i in filter(lambda lcs: locus.containsAntisense(lcs), matches): realMatches[i] = None return realMatches.keys() # sense can be 'sense' (default), 'antisense', or 'both' # returns all members of the collection that contain the locus def getContainers(self,locus,sense='sense'): matches = self.__subsetHelper(locus,sense) ### now, get rid of the ones that don't really overlap realMatches = dict() if sense=='sense' or sense=='both': for i in filter(lambda lcs: lcs.contains(locus), matches): realMatches[i] = None if sense=='antisense' or sense=='both': for i in filter(lambda lcs: lcs.containsAntisense(locus), matches): realMatches[i] = None return realMatches.keys() def stitchCollection(self,stitchWindow=1,sense='both'): ''' reduces the collection by stitching together overlapping loci returns a new collection ''' #initializing stitchWindow to 1 #this helps collect directly adjacent loci locusList = self.getLoci() oldCollection = LocusCollection(locusList,500) # start with a master list of peaks stitchedCollection = LocusCollection([],500) for locus in locusList: # start with the first peak the master list if oldCollection.hasLocus(locus): oldCollection.remove(locus) # remove the locus that is being processed #extend peaks locus on either sides extlocus = Locus(locus.chr(),locus.start()-stitchWindow,locus.end()+stitchWindow,locus.sense(),locus.ID()) overlappingLoci = oldCollection.getOverlap(extlocus,sense) #compute it overlap with all peaks in the master list stitchTicker = 1 while len(overlappingLoci) > 0: # run over all peaks identified to overlap stitchTicker += len(overlappingLoci) overlapCoords = locus.coords() for overlappingLocus in overlappingLoci: overlapCoords += overlappingLocus.coords() oldCollection.remove(overlappingLocus) #remove the overlapping peak from the master list if sense == 'both': locus = Locus(locus.chr(),min(overlapCoords),max(overlapCoords),'.',locus.ID()) else: locus = Locus(locus.chr(),min(overlapCoords),max(overlapCoords),locus.sense(),locus.ID()) # merge all overlapping peaks #use the merged peak as the reference and compute overlap with remaining peaks in the master list overlappingLoci = oldCollection.getOverlap(Locus(locus.chr(),locus.start()-stitchWindow,locus.end()+stitchWindow,locus.sense()),sense) ''' The above loop continues until there are no further overlaps ''' locus._ID = '%s_%s_lociStitched' % (stitchTicker,locus.ID()) # give a name to the merged peak stitchedCollection.append(locus) # add the locus to a merged list else: continue return stitchedCollection #================================================================== #========================LOCUS FUNCTIONS=========================== #================================================================== #06/11/09 #turns a locusCollection into a gff #does not write to disk though def locusCollectionToGFF(locusCollection): lociList = locusCollection.getLoci() gff = [] for locus in lociList: newLine = [locus.chr(),locus.ID(),'',locus.coords()[0],locus.coords()[1],'',locus.sense(),'',locus.ID()] gff.append(newLine) return gff def gffToLocusCollection(gff,window =500): ''' opens up a gff file and turns it into a LocusCollection instance ''' lociList = [] if type(gff) == str: gff = parseTable(gff,'\t') nameList = [] for line in gff: #USE line[2] as the locus ID. If that is empty use line[8] if len(line) < 7: print('SKIPPING THIS LINE') print(line) continue if line[0][0] == '#': continue if len(line[1]) > 0: name = line[1] elif len(line[8]) >0: name = line[8] else: name = '%s:%s:%s-%s' % (line[0],line[6],line[3],line[4]) nameList.append(name) lociList.append(Locus(line[0],line[3],line[4],line[6],name)) #check that all the names are unique if len(nameList) != len(uniquify(nameList)): print('ERROR: FOR GFFS, ALL REGIONS MUST HAVE A UNIQUE IDENTIFIER IN COLUMN 2') sys.exit() return LocusCollection(lociList,window) #maketranscriptCollection #04/07/09 #makes a LocusCollection w/ each transcript as a locus #bob = makeTranscriptCollection('/Users/chazlin/genomes/mm8/mm8refseq.txt') def makeTranscriptCollection(annotFile,upSearch,downSearch,window = 500,geneList = []): ''' makes a LocusCollection w/ each transcript as a locus takes in a refseqfile ''' if upper(annotFile).count('REFSEQ') == 1: refseqTable,refseqDict = importRefseq(annotFile) locusList = [] ticker = 0 if len(geneList) == 0: geneList =refseqDict.keys() for line in refseqTable[1:]: if geneList.count(line[1]) > 0: if line[3] == '-': locus = Locus(line[2],int(line[4])-downSearch,int(line[5])+upSearch,line[3],line[1]) else: locus = Locus(line[2],int(line[4])-upSearch,int(line[5])+downSearch,line[3],line[1]) locusList.append(locus) ticker = ticker + 1 if ticker%1000 == 0: print(ticker) transCollection = LocusCollection(locusList,window) return transCollection def makeTSSLocus(gene,startDict,upstream,downstream): ''' given a startDict, make a locus for any gene's TSS w/ upstream and downstream windows ''' start = startDict[gene]['start'][0] if startDict[gene]['sense'] =='-': return Locus(startDict[gene]['chr'],start-downstream,start+upstream,'-',gene) else: return Locus(startDict[gene]['chr'],start-upstream,start+downstream,'+',gene) #06/11/09 #takes a locus and expands it by a fixed upstream/downstream amount. spits out the new larger locus def makeSearchLocus(locus,upSearch,downSearch): if locus.sense() == '-': searchLocus = Locus(locus.chr(),locus.start()-downSearch,locus.end()+upSearch,locus.sense(),locus.ID()) else: searchLocus = Locus(locus.chr(),locus.start()-upSearch,locus.end()+downSearch,locus.sense(),locus.ID()) return searchLocus #================================================================== #==========================BAM CLASS=============================== #================================================================== #11/11/10 #makes a new class Bam for dealing with bam files and integrating them into the SolexaRun class def checkChrStatus(bamFile): command = 'samtools view %s | head -n 1' % (bamFile) #print "TESTING" #print command stats = subprocess.Popen(command,stdin = subprocess.PIPE,stderr = subprocess.PIPE,stdout = subprocess.PIPE,shell = True) statLines = stats.stdout.readlines() stats.stdout.close() chrPattern = re.compile('chr') for line in statLines: #print line sline = line.split("\t") #print sline[2] if, sline[2]): return 1 else: return 0 def convertBitwiseFlag(flag): if int(flag) & 16: return "-"; else: return "+"; class Bam: '''A class for a sorted and indexed bam file that allows easy analysis of reads''' def __init__(self,bamFile): self._bam = bamFile def getTotalReads(self,readType = 'mapped'): command = 'samtools flagstat %s' % (self._bam) stats = subprocess.Popen(command,stdin = subprocess.PIPE,stderr = subprocess.PIPE,stdout = subprocess.PIPE,shell = True) statLines = stats.stdout.readlines() stats.stdout.close() if readType == 'mapped': for line in statLines: if line.count('mapped (') == 1: return int(line.split(' ')[0]) if readType == 'total': return int(statLines[0].split(' ')[0]) def convertBitwiseFlag(self,flag): if flag & 16: return "-"; else: return "+"; def getRawReads(self,locus,sense,unique = False,includeJxnReads = False,printCommand = False): ''' gets raw reads from the bam using samtools view. can enforce uniqueness and strandedness ''' locusLine = locus.chr()+':'+str(locus.start())+'-'+str(locus.end()) command = 'samtools view %s %s' % (self._bam,locusLine) if printCommand: print(command) getReads = subprocess.Popen(command,stdin = subprocess.PIPE,stderr = subprocess.PIPE,stdout = subprocess.PIPE,shell = True) reads = getReads.communicate() reads = reads[0].split('\n')[:-1] reads = [read.split('\t') for read in reads] if includeJxnReads == False: reads = filter(lambda x: x[5].count('N') < 1,reads) #convertDict = {'16':'-','0':'+','64':'+','65':'+','80':'-','81':'-','129':'+','145':'-'} convertDict = {'16':'-','0':'+','64':'+','65':'+','80':'-','81':'-','129':'+','145':'-','256':'+','272':'-','99':'+','147':'-'} #BJA added 256 and 272, which correspond to 0 and 16 for multi-mapped reads respectively: # #convert = string.maketrans('160','--+') keptReads = [] seqDict = defaultdict(int) if sense == '-': strand = ['+','-'] strand.remove(locus.sense()) strand = strand[0] else: strand = locus.sense() for read in reads: #readStrand = read[1].translate(convert)[0] #print read[1], read[0] #readStrand = convertDict[read[1]] readStrand = convertBitwiseFlag(read[1]) if sense == 'both' or sense == '.' or readStrand == strand: if unique and seqDict[read[9]] == 0: keptReads.append(read) elif not unique: keptReads.append(read) seqDict[read[9]]+=1 return keptReads def readsToLoci(self,reads,IDtag = 'sequence,seqID,none'): ''' takes raw read lines from the bam and converts them into loci ''' loci = [] ID = '' if IDtag == 'sequence,seqID,none': print('please specify one of the three options: sequence, seqID, none') return #convert = string.maketrans('160','--+') #convertDict = {'16':'-','0':'+','64':'+','65':'+','80':'-','81':'-','129':'+','145':'-'} #convertDict = {'16':'-','0':'+','64':'+','65':'+','80':'-','81':'-','129':'+','145':'-','256':'+','272':'-'} #BJA added 256 and 272, which correspond to 0 and 16 for multi-mapped reads respectively: # #convert = string.maketrans('160','--+') numPattern = re.compile('\d*') for read in reads: chrom = read[2] #strand = read[1].translate(convert)[0] #strand = convertDict[read[1]] strand = convertBitwiseFlag(read[1]) if IDtag == 'sequence': ID = read[9] elif IDtag == 'seqID': ID = read[0] else: ID = '' length = len(read[9]) start = int(read[3]) if read[5].count('N') == 1: #this awful oneliner first finds all of the numbers in the read string #then it filters out the '' and converts them to integers #only works for reads that span one junction [first,gap,second] = [int(x) for x in filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, re.findall(numPattern,read[5]))][0:3] if IDtag == 'sequence': loci.append(Locus(chrom,start,start+first,strand,ID[0:first])) loci.append(Locus(chrom,start+first+gap,start+first+gap+second,strand,ID[first:])) else: loci.append(Locus(chrom,start,start+first,strand,ID)) loci.append(Locus(chrom,start+first+gap,start+first+gap+second,strand,ID)) elif read[5].count('N') > 1: continue else: loci.append(Locus(chrom,start,start+length,strand,ID)) return loci def getReadsLocus(self,locus,sense = 'both',unique = True,IDtag = 'sequence,seqID,none',includeJxnReads = False): ''' gets all of the reads for a given locus ''' reads = self.getRawReads(locus,sense,unique,includeJxnReads) loci = self.readsToLoci(reads,IDtag) return loci def getReadSequences(self,locus,sense = 'both',unique = True,includeJxnReads = False): reads = self.getRawReads(locus,sense,unique,includeJxnReads) return [read[9] for read in reads] def getReadStarts(self,locus,sense = 'both',unique = False,includeJxnReads = False): reads = self.getRawReads(locus,sense,unique,includeJxnReads) return [int(read[3]) for read in reads] def getReadCount(self,locus,sense = 'both',unique = True,includeJxnReads = False): reads = self.getRawReads(locus,sense,unique,includeJxnReads) return len(reads) #================================================================== #========================MISC FUNCTIONS============================ #================================================================== #uniquify function #by Peter Bengtsson #Used under a creative commons license #sourced from here: def uniquify(seq, idfun=None): # order preserving if idfun is None: def idfun(x): return x seen = {} result = [] for item in seq: marker = idfun(item) # in old Python versions: # if seen.has_key(marker) # but in new ones: if marker in seen: continue seen[marker] = 1 result.append(item) return result #082009 #taken from def order(x, NoneIsLast = True, decreasing = False): """ Returns the ordering of the elements of x. The list [ x[j] for j in order(x) ] is a sorted version of x. Missing values in x are indicated by None. If NoneIsLast is true, then missing values are ordered to be at the end. Otherwise, they are ordered at the beginning. """ omitNone = False if NoneIsLast == None: NoneIsLast = True omitNone = True n = len(x) ix = range(n) if None not in x: ix.sort(reverse = decreasing, key = lambda j : x[j]) else: # Handle None values properly. def key(i, x = x): elem = x[i] # Valid values are True or False only. if decreasing == NoneIsLast: return not(elem is None), elem else: return elem is None, elem ix = range(n) ix.sort(key=key, reverse=decreasing) if omitNone: n = len(x) for i in range(n-1, -1, -1): if x[ix[i]] == None: n -= 1 return ix[:n] return ix